
The CNR Research Establishment at Tor Vergata-Roma, where the School is planned to be held, is located near the University Campus of Tor Vergata. In addition the CNR Research Establishment offers a complete range of services to its personnel and to visitors, including library, canteen and a bus service to the Rome Metro Line A.  Tor Vergata is one of the largest CNR research establishments and is made up of several Institutes. Four of them are involved in the management of the present project.


Scientific Organizers

  • Massimiliano Benetti
  • Domenico Cannatà
  • Fabio Di Pietrantonio
  • Luca Maiolo
  • Antonio Minotti
  • Luca Pitolli
  • Alfonsina Ramundo-Orlando

Local Organizers

  • Paolo Carrara
  • Erica D’Aguanno
  • Ilaria Dantone
  • Francesca Mattia
  • Matilde Paggiolu
  • Gabriella Trapella